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Cyber attack on government websites

In the late evening, there was a cyber untraceable attack on the central government's websites. There was an overload and the site dropped out for several hours and was not available to the public. The Ministry of Defense has a strong suspicion that it was an attack by the Kybistani National Republic after the sanctions were passed. As other articles mentioned Kybistani National Republic makes a long-term effort to penetrate as many countries as possible with its intelligence service and they sow unrest there to prepare the environment for their political and nationalist tendencies to gain influence over the others, as Russia does, for example. We are truly shaken by this action conducted against our Government.

State Security Council will meet to discuss this matter as soon as possible. Authorities spoke that they do not wish for war, but if these attacks continues they will be forced to intervene to protect the nation and its citizens.

Prime minister Jan Novak declared that there won't be any mercy for those, who are looking to take control over Carnovia and influence it in way, which would be dangerous to Carnovian constitutionality, quoteting:

We have to protect our democratic values no matter what, because that is the only things that differs us from animals.

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