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Kybistani aggression no longer tolerated

Kybistani National Republic is landlocked country in Central Europe, Czech republic bordering the region of Pardubice. It is known for its aggressive attitude and efforts to gain power over other nations.

After threats of Kybistani intervening in Firburg, Government of Carnovia decided to discuss this matter. On 5 March 2022 Central Government of Carnovia met in morning to discuss Kybistani aggression towards other nations and concluded that this aggression could be easily switched against Carnovia putting its citizens in danger.

Kybistany soldiers

Firburg along with Majerland, both being members of Union of Micronations of Central Europe, provided necessary evidences that Kybistani do not fear consequences of war and threatened Firburg with military invasion. On impulse to this findind Central Government of Carnovia decided to impose hard sanctions on Kybistani National Republic and to terminate all diplomatic relations. Many other nations bordering the Czech republic did the same, witch resolved in Kybistani mobilizing its armed forces. All indications are that there will be a merciless war between Kybistani and its "enemies."

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